MetaCard Corporation

MetaCard Benchmarks

MetaCard's "virtual compiler" technology offers outstanding performance compared with the language interpreters used in HyperCard or SuperCard. No longer does choosing a high-level tool mean producing slow-running programs!

In the first benchmark, a single stack that tests the most common operations was developed in HyperCard and then ported to SuperCard and MetaCard. The HyperCard and SuperCard stacks used in this test are available as mcbench.sit (the MetaCard benchmarks were run directly from the HyperCard stack). The results were that, on average, MetaCard is over 5 times faster than HyperCard and 6 times faster than SuperCard:

Test                      MC      SC      HC    SC/MC    HC/MC
empty repeat for         0.33    0.49    1.54    1.48     4.67
repeat with i            2.00    0.52    5.16    0.26     2.58
iterative factorial      0.30    3.13    1.40   10.43     4.67
iterative fact w/if      0.50    4.18    1.18    8.36     2.36
recursive factorial      0.19    5.25    3.32   27.63    17.47
read/write               1.27    6.13    4.52    4.83     3.56
nested chunks            1.59    4.25   13.50    2.67     8.49
chunks w/precount size   2.30    5.15    8.41    2.24     3.66
32K text set/get        15.31    5.28    5.45    0.34     0.36
1K text set/get          4.23    5.28    4.54    1.25     1.07
100 char text set/get    4.44    9.34    5.80    2.10     1.31
set prop                 0.38    3.35    3.18    8.82     8.37
function call            0.50    1.26    0.32    2.52     0.64
replace string (offset)  1.43    5.49    4.24    3.84     2.97
small script compiled    0.20    0.42    0.40    2.10     2.00
small script "do"        0.42    8.14   10.58   19.38    25.19
big script compiled      5.46   22.20    9.15    4.07     1.68
big script "do"         12.56   80.41   38.58    6.40     3.07
Average MetaCard performance advantage:          6.04     5.23
create buttons (*)       0.16    0.37   58.00    2.31   362.50
All times in seconds as reported by subtracting starting and ending times. The "create buttons (*)" task was not included in the benchmark averages because HyperCard completely falls apart in this test. All the script does is create 256 buttons, but with a time of over 1 second per button, clearly HyperCard is not the right tool to use if dynamic generation of controls will be a major component of an application.

Note that these benchmarks are really showing worst-case performance for MetaCard because they doesn't take advantage of any MetaCard-specific features. For example, in the "32K text" benchmark, which tests the speed of moving 32K of text in and out of a field, the HyperCard and SuperCard times are comparable because they both use the MacOS TextEdit routines to manage the text which can only accept a maximum of 32K. There is no fixed limit to the amount of text you can put in a MetaCard field, and this increase in power and flexibility comes only with a minor hit in performance.

Another example is the "nested chunks" test, which uses a loop variable to loop over the lines, items, words, and chars in a text string. In MetaCard, this would normally be done with the "repeat for each" keyword, use of which results in a time of 0.28 seconds for this test, which is 5.6 times faster than the algorithm that HC and SC must use. The net result is that MetaCard using "repeat for each" is almost 50 times faster than HyperCard using "repeat with i".

Likewise, the MetaCard "replace" command makes short work of the "replace string" benchmark, completing it in 0.001 seconds, or over 1000 times faster than the way HC and SC must do it. Net result: MetaCard using its "replace" command is 4000 times faster than SuperCard using the "offset" function. The MetaCard performance advantage would be even greater with larger data sets.

SuperBench: MetaCard vs. SuperCard

This benchmark provides some idea of the kind of performance advantages MetaCard has over SuperCard. This benchmark is based on SuperBench from Fourth World, which was designed to assess relative performance of pairs of SuperCard scripts. It exercises many of the most important features of the language, and so also makes a pretty good cross-tool benchmark.

  • SuperBench download from Fourth World and converted to SC 3.0 project
  • Converted to MetaCard stack with SC to MC converter v1.1
  • SuperCard 3.01, MetaCard 2.2
  • All tests run on PowerCenter 150 (150 MHz 604)
  • 10,000 iterations for each test
  • Times are in ticks (1/60 second)
  • Times measured using built-in timing functions, but rough accuracy was verified with a stopwatch.
  • "ratio" is average of the two ST times divided by average of the two MT times and is the factor MetaTalk execution is faster than SuperTalk execution.
    Benchmark        ST1     ST     MT1     MT2    ratio
1   ()/the           208     189     12      13      16
2   intersect/within 514     588     30      78      10
3   offset/number    744     878      *       *
4   variable         730     758     39      75      13 
5   worddel/offset   599     667      *       *
6   set itemDel      347     144      6       4      49
7   handler call     652     152     22       1      35
8   length/empty     422     320      7      15      34
9   user function    237     158      6       2      49
10  math funcs       762     788     16      15      50
11  send/via         951     467      *       *
12  get with if/via  782     349      *       *
13  offset/is in     657     478     11       7      63
14# +/add            414     323      7       7      53
15  pass             255     153     25       2      15
16  len/ n of chars  172     171      4       6      34
17  len=0/empty      101     176      5       5      28
18  item/line del    379     601      *       *
19  numtochar/lit    141     161      5       3      38
20  send/via         569     876      *       *
21  numtochar/const  120      74      4       4      24
22  bad script (even for SC 3.0)
23  lit/const         65      43      2       3      22
24  the              614     609     80      80       8
25  math chunks      473     404     72      72       6
26% if-then/and     1354    1055     97      53      16
27  worddel          396     206      *       *
28  chunks/offset    404     682      *       *
29  isnumber         207     147     14      12      14
30  send (100)       865      92      *       *
31  send w/set(100)  815     830      *       *
32  add constant     492     253      5       6      68
33  delete           944     707     29      23      32
34  calibration      152     158      2       2      78
35  constant/number  112      95      5       4      23
36  set cursor       294     225     49      34       6
37  comments         350     340     13      13      27
38  do               112     469     13     131       4
39  do/send          469     508    126     116       4
40  in/offset        107     132      3       3      40
41  trunc()/div      195     152      6       6      29
* MetaCard couldn't complete these benchmarks because it lacks the following SuperCard compatibility features:
  • lineDel property (use itemDelimiter)
  • wordDel property (use itemDelimiter)
  • call function "via" object (use custom props or send)
  • the "windows" function (use mainStacks/substacks or openStacks)

# Benchmark 14 variable changed from "a" to "a1" ("a" is reserved in MT)

% Line continuation character in 26 changed to \ from option-return

The average performance advantage of MetaTalk over SuperTalk over all tests is 29.6 times. Notable measurements are the relatively low factor (4x) for the "do" and "send" benchmarks, which is caused by the overhead of the MetaCard "virtual compiler". The largest differences (50x or more) are in the math operations, which are specially optimized in MetaTalk.

In several cases, the author of SuperBench apparently used setting the lineDel and wordDel as a "make work" procedure which served no useful purpose in the overall benchmark. This practice causes relative compatibility of the two languages to appear lower than it really is.

The converted project is available here as . This converted project includes the two script changes noted above, and error messages inserted for the scripts that won't run in MetaCard. This stack can be run on any version of MetaCard, just click on the "SuperBenchx" item in the list in the "project" stack to open the benchmark screen.

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